Mars Rover Curiosity 'Checks In' on Foursquare from Red Planet - []
The biggest problems will be concentrated in HP's technology consulting division, where revenue is expected to fall by 11 percent to 13 percent next year. Technology consulting also faltered during the past year, prompting HP to absorb an $ 8 billion ... HP CEO warns company's earnings will fall in 2013
GeekBeatTV #317: Track your kids from your phone this Halloween, a radio-controlled zombie, Samsung's flexible screen, and robotic taste testers! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0:28 Trick or Tracker Keep an electronic eye on your kids this Halloween with this Android app that tracks them through GPS. 0:53 Crawling Zombie Radio-controlled cars and planes are fun, but a radio-controlled crawling zombie, making its way across your lawn? A whole new level of awesome! 1:43 Samsung's Flexible Display First it was Nokia, now Samsung is showing off flexible display concepts that allow you to twist the screen as a form of input. 2:15 Robot Taste Testers Human taste testers may become a thing of the past as this new technology allows a machine to distinguish between 18 different canned tomato products! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Checkout all of the Revision3 Halloween episodes! We'd love for your t o Like, Favorite and Share today's episode on YouTube! GeekBeatTV #317: Thank you to all of you Geekers for participating and commenting! Happy Halloween, and enjoy your Trick-Or-Treating! Here is where you can find us! Cali on Twitter: Cali on Facebook: GeekBeatTV website: GeekBeatTV on Twitter GeeBeatTV on Facebook: Thanks Geekers! Halloween Technology Terror: Trick or Tracker & Crawling Zombie! - GeekBeat.TV
[], Mars Rover Curiosity 'Checks In' on Foursquare from Red Planet -
This map shows the route driven by NASA's Mars rover Curiosity through the 43rd Martian day, or sol, of the rover's mission on Mars (Sept. 19, 2012). CREDIT: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona |
Meet the robotic "mayor" of Mars: NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has checked in on the Red Planet using the mobile application Foursquare, marking the first-ever such check-in from the surface of another world.
Foursquare users who check in to a particular venue more times than anybody else in the past 60 days become the "mayor" of that place. It would appear that Curiosity has the Mayor of Mars title pretty much sewn up.
Curiosity will continue to check in at various locations throughout its Gale Crater landing site, posting photos and tips as it rolls along, NASA officials said.
"NASA is using Foursquare as a tool to share the rover's new locations while exploring Mars," David Weaver, associate administrator for communications at NASA Headquarters, said in a statement. "This will help to involve the public with the mission and give them a sense of the rover's travels through Gale Crater."
Foursquare users will be able to earn a Curiosity-themed badge by checking in at museums, laboratories and other locations that generate an interest in science, engineering and technology, NASA officials said. The badge will become available later this year.
A 'Curiosity' Quiz: How Well Do You Know NASA's Nex...
NASA's Curiosity rover â" the centerpiece of NASA's $ 2.5 billion Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission â" landed on Mars Aug. 5. How much do you know about Curiosity and its mission?
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A 'Curiosity' Quiz: How Well Do You Know NASA's Nex...
NASA's Curiosity rover â" the centerpiece of NASA's $ 2.5 billion Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission â" landed on Mars Aug. 5. How much do you know about Curiosity and its mission?
0 of questions complete
The $ 2.5 billion Mars rover Curiosity landed on Aug. 5 with the aim of determining if the Gale area could ever have supported microbial life. The six-wheeled robot is about two months into its planned two-year mission.
While Curiosity is currently cruising toward a site called Glenelg, its main destination is the base of Mount Sharp, which rises 3.4 miles (5.5 kilometers) into the Martian sky from Gale's center. Mars-orbiting spacecraft have detected evidence that Mount Sharp's foothills were exposed to liquid water long ago.
NASA has been on Foursquare since 2010, when astronaut Doug Wheelock made the first-ever check-in from the International Space Station.
The Foursquare community numbers more than 25 million users, who have made more than 2.5 billion check-ins since the free app was introduced in March 2009, according to the Foursquare website.
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