Astronomers get a glimpse of our future as pair of galaxies collide - The Bell Jar []
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[], Astronomers get a glimpse of our future as pair of galaxies collide - The Bell Jar
A recent NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image captures what appears to be one very bright and bizarre galaxy, but is actually the result of a pair of spiral galaxies that resemble our own Milky Way smashing together.
Astronomers have spotted a pair of galaxies smashing into one another, a glimpse of our own galaxyâs fate billions of years from now.
The pair of galaxies, now known as a single galaxy cluster names NGC 2623 and located 300 million light-years away, is the result of series of snapshots obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope. Hubble captured what appears to be one very bright and bizarre galaxy, but is actually the result of a pair of spiral galaxies, much like our own Milky Way, smashing together at incredible speeds.
Filled with dust, gas, and young blue star clusters, the opposing tidal tails extend well over 50,000 light-years from the merged nucleus, according to NASA. Likely triggered by the merger, accretion by a supermassive black hole drives activity within the nuclear region, causing the innermost planets and star systems to be ripped apart and flung to different regions of space. The star formation and its active galactic nucleus make NGC 2623 bright across the spectrum.
Not surprisingly, interacting galaxies have a dramatic effect on each other. Studies have revealed that as galaxies approach one another massive amounts of gas are pulled from each galaxy towards the center of the other, until ultimately, the two merge into one massive galaxy. Some mergers (including NGC 2623) can result in an active galactic nucleus, where one of the supermassive black holes found at the centers of the two original galaxies is stirred into action. Matter is pulled toward the black hole, forming an accretion disc. The energy released by the frenzied motion heats up the disc, causing it to emit across a wide swath of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Although the galaxies are currently smashing into each other, stars inside each galaxy are so far apart that they will not collide with other stars during the encounter. However, the stars will be thrown into different orbits around the new galactic center, according to NASA astronomers studying the cosmic collision.
The discovery is likely to present astronomers with a preview of the fate of our own Milky Way galaxy. Our own Milky Way galaxy is destined to get a major makeover during the encounter, which is predicted to happen four billion years from now when we slam into the Andromeda galaxy, known as M31. It is likely the sun will be flung into a new region of our galaxy, but our Earth and solar system are in no danger of being destroyed, say astronomers.
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Question by fudgypup: what's the deal with these electronic water conditioning systems like "Easy Water?" Do they really work? Is this just a gimmick? If the water's coming out of the tap softened then where are the minerals going? It's just a wire connected to the pipe. Seems bogus. Best answer for what's the deal with these electronic water conditioning systems like "Easy Water?" Do they really work?:
Answer by chaindropz Answer by Tomcat Answer by Edwin
Itâs debatable Do not drink the chemically softened water. Use reverse osmosis on your drinking water or keep the soft water and drinking water separated. If you soften 80 parts hard water chemically you get 80 parts sodium in your water. This is not good if your on a sodium restricted diet.other chemicals can be used for ion exchange and the calcium ion will be ex changed with a different ion. The sodium ion stays in solution and will not cause scale. If you have health problems you need to know what ion you are consuming. Hard water is healthy To drink. I would like to correct myself. There is a difference in chemically soften water and Ion exchange water. The home softener will leave about 10 parts hard in the water. Ion exchange or reverse osmosis is the only practical option for homes. California is restricting Ion Exchange use due to the salt discharge to the environment. When a Doctor reduces your sodium or salt intake you need to discuss the possible effects of drinking soft water with your doctor. Natural Water hardness ranges from about 60 parts hard to over 180 parts hard. So exchanging the calcium, magnesium and iron ion for sodium ion you will have a range from about 40 parts sodium up and exceeding 170 parts sodium depending on the hardness in your area. The only way to know is to run a hardness test on your water source. Industrial softening An industrial ion exchange water softener will reduce the hardness to Zero. It was a mistake when I used the term chemical softening so I will attempt to clear that up. Mostly industry but some cities have been known to chemically soften water There is no exchange in chemically softened water. Chemically lime softened water will only reduce the water at best to 29 parts hard. The hot lime process will reduce the hardness to 8 parts hard
Definitely bogus.
By definition "softening" your water means to remove the hardness minerals in the water. The only type of equipment that authentically softens water is an Ion Exchange Water Softener. If you notice, Easy Water calls their system a "water conditioner". The Easy Water systems does not remove anything from the water. If it is the salt you are worried about, on average, a quart of softened water has about the same amount of sodium in it as a slice of white bread. Authentic water softeners are now more efficient because they use meters to count the gallons used in order to initiate a "regeneration", which is the process that a authentic water softener goes through when it is full of hardness minerals. If you are still concerned about the sodium you can add a reverse osmosis drinking system that provides bottled water equivalent water right at your finger tips by removing 94-99% off all the stuff that dissolved in your water, including sodium. Most water treatment companies also have routed or will call salt delivery to keep you from having to carry the 40 or 50 lb bags of salt down to your basement. In summary, I think that the authentic ion exchange water softener is still the only way to give you all the bang for your buck. If you don't like the feel of soft water there are ways to bleed a couple of grains of hardness to your spigots. A recent study (April 2010) performed by the Battelle Memorial Institute, which is a renowned independent testing and research facility dedicated to applied science and technology development, found that an authentic water softener is among the best energy saving appliances in a home. Check out my sources below. Good Luck !
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