Tuesday, October 9, 2012

100-million-year-old spider attack found in amber - Fox News [fornadablog.blogspot.com]

100-million-year-old spider attack found in amber - Fox News [fornadablog.blogspot.com]

[fornadablog.blogspot.com], 100-million-year-old spider attack found in amber - Fox News

Researchers have found trapped in amber a rare dinosaur-age scene of a spider attacking a wasp caught in its web.

The piece of amber, which contains 15 intact strands of spider silk, provides the first fossil evidence of such an assault, the researchers said. It was excavated in a Burmese mine and dates back to the Early Cretaceous, between 97 million and 110 million years ago.

"This juvenile spider was going to make a meal out of a tiny parasitic wasp, but never quite got to it," George Poinar, Jr., a zoology professor at Oregon State University, said in a statement.

"This was a male wasp that suddenly found itself trapped in a spider web. This was the wasp's worst nightmare, and it never ended. The wasp was watching the spider just as it was about to be attacked, when tree resin flowed over and captured both of them."

Poinar and Ron Buckley, an amber collector from Kentucky, described the find in a paper published in the October issue of the journal Historical Biology. They wrote that while there are examples of amber-trapped insects caught in webs, "there is no previous fossil record of a spider attacking its ensnared prey."

The amber chunk also contains the body of another male spider in the same web, which might make the fossil the oldest known evidence of social behavior in spiders, according to the authors.

Both the spider and wasp species are today extinct. But the type of wasp (Cascoscelio incassus) belongs to a group that today is known to parasitize spider eggs, Poinor said. The attack on the wasp by the bristly orb-weaver spider, Geratonephila burmanica, might then be considered revenge.

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Suggest 100-million-year-old spider attack found in amber - Fox News Issues

Question by Marta Farud: English check: Can i use the "spur of water" expression in artistic way? I mean i don't want to say "spray of water", but "spur of water" in my lyrics.It has a meaning? "I was raised by you in a spur of water, in the glimpse of sun rays, burning, from your past." That's the whole context. Maybe it has no meaning.Ok, i'll have to use another word for it! Best answer for English check: Can i use the "spur of water" expression in artistic way?:

Answer by Stingray
I have no idea what you mean by spur. A spur is a metal tool designed to be worn in pairs on the heels of riding boots for the purpose of directing a horse

Answer by aidensilver
Are you meaning a "splash" of water?

Answer by Randy P
Do you mean "spurt"?

Answer by Ian
You can use spur like that but it is unusual. A spur is a twig or small branch. Whilst the spurs you fit to the heels of riding boots are well known, they are named after the shape, looking like a spur on a tree. I suspect that "spurt" might be a better word, although that implies something that is short in duration, which is not what your lyric suggests. I suggest you keep it in.

Suggest English check: Can i use the "spur of water" expression in artistic way? Articles

Jack Jr highjacks the kitchen so dad can rest. He shows you what he made in cooking class last week. here it is: Fettucini Alfredo Ingredients: 1 lb. fettucini 1 1/2 cups heavy cream 1/2 stick of unsalted butter, cut into pieces 1/4 grated parmesan Parmigiano-Reggiano (we also did some Romano Cheese in our video) 1 tsp of salt pepper for flavor parsley for color Directions: start water boiling for pasta put butter and cream into skillet and bring to a simmer cook pasta in boiling water pull pasta directly out of water into cream/butter mixture. pull 1/4 cup water out of the pot you just cooked the pasta in and also add that to the cream/butter mixture. add cheese to mixture add pepper for flavor. add parsley for color. enjoy. Fettucini Alfredo


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