Sunday, October 7, 2012

Urban coyotes suggest larger carnivores are on their way, expert says - The Bell Jar []

Urban coyotes suggest larger carnivores are on their way, expert says - The Bell Jar []

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[], Urban coyotes suggest larger carnivores are on their way, expert says - The Bell Jar

Urban coyotes suggest larger carnivores are on their way, expert saysCredit: Flickr

Urban coyotes could set the stage for larger carnivores to move into the cities.

As coyotes become increasingly common urban residents, one researcher is concerned that the city dweller has opened the door to larger carnivores in urban settings, according to a report from Ohio State University.

The researcher and his colleagues say they have found the smallest known coyote territory ever discovered. Approximately five miles from Chicago O’Hare International Airport, the research team has located a group of urban coyotes that has lived for six years in a space that is approximately a third of a square mile.

“That’s an indication that they don’t have to go far to find food and water. They’re finding everything they need right there, in the suburbs of Chicago,” said Stan Gehrt, an associate professor of environment and natural resources at Ohio State University, in a statement. “It amazes me.”

According to the Ohio State professor, coyotes are the biggest of the carnivores to have found their way into the cities. A sign, researchers say, that indicates that bears and mountain lions could be next.

“The coyote is the test case for other animals. Raccoons, skunks, foxes â€" they’ve already been able to penetrate the urban landscape pretty well. The coyote is the most recent and largest. The jury’s out with what’s going to happen with the bigger ones,” Mr. Gehrt said.

Some cities have already seen bears and mountain lions on the outskirts of the city. For now, researchers say, they will try to learn everything they can about urban coyotes so they can predict if and when larger carnivores will make their way to the cities.

Mr. Gehrt and his colleagues have fitted radio collars to approximately 680 coyotes and are able to track up to 50 or 60 at any one time. As far as total numbers in Chicago, Mr. Gehrt predicted that approximately 2,000 live in the “Windy City” metro area, coexisting with 9 million people spread across 250 separate municipalities.

Despite the risk of encountering coyotes in the big city, the researchers say that adaptation of coyotes to their urban surroundings suggests that city folk will have to learn to live with these urban dwellers.

“It used to be rural areas where we would have this challenge of coexistence versus conflict with carnivores. In the future, and I would say currently, it’s cities where we’re going to have this intersection between people and carnivores,” Mr. Gehrt added. “We used to think only little carnivores could live in cities, and even then we thought they couldn’t really achieve large numbers. But we’re finding that these animals are much more flexible than we gave them credit for and they’re adjusting to our cities.

Speaking Friday at the EcoSummit 2012, Mr. Gehrt discussed his research and our ability to coexist with coyotes. He noted that the costs associated with government-sponsored eradication programs are often not worth the benefit because coyotes are quick to move back in and repopulate an area where an eradication took place.

“I think those programs will go away, too. It costs money, and it upsets some residents who want coyotes living there. So there is conflict, cost and lack of effectiveness. We have great data in areas where removal was done. You pull them out, and literally within just a few weeks, new coyotes moved in and set up a new pack and began reproducing right away,” Mr. Gehrt predicted.

Mr. Gehrt and his colleagues are in the process of studying Coyote populations in Cleveland, Ohio and Nova Scotia, where they hope to learn more about the coexistence between coyotes and humans as the coyotes in those areas are known to be more aggressive towards humans.

Recommend Urban coyotes suggest larger carnivores are on their way, expert says - The Bell Jar Articles

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