Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mice learn songs in similar way to humans and birds - BBC News []

Mice learn songs in similar way to humans and birds - BBC News []

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[], Mice learn songs in similar way to humans and birds - BBC News

MouseMice may have abilities long thought to be restricted to animals such as birds and humans

US researchers say that mice may have the ability to learn songs based on the sounds they hear.

They found that when male mice were housed together they learned to match the pitch of their songs to each other.

Mice also share some behavioural and brain mechanisms involved in vocal learning with songbirds and humans, say the researchers.

But some scientists are sceptical, saying the evidence doesn't support the claim.

Details of the study are published in the Journal, Plos One.

Previous research in this field has shown that male mice can sing complex songs when exposed to females and these play an important part in courtship.

These murine serenades are ultrasonic. At between 50 and 100KHz, they are far above the hearing range of humans. When processed to make them audible to humans, they sound like a series of plaintive whistles.

Rare skill

It has long been assumed that mice were incapable of modifying the sequence or the pitch of these sounds. This ability, called vocal learning, is rare in the natural world. It is restricted to some birds such as parrots and song birds along with whales, dolphins, sea lions, bats and elephants.

But in these experiments, researchers from Duke University in North Carolina say they found that mice have both the brain circuits and the behavioural attributes consistent with vocal learning.

Dr Erich Jarvis, who oversaw the study, told BBC News that it had changed his understanding of the way mice make sound.

"In mice we find that the pathways that are at least modulating these vocalisations are in the forebrain, in places where you actually find them in humans," he said.

He says the study does not have clear evidence that mice have the very same vocal abilities as birds and humans. He believes there is a spectrum where different species have vocal skills to different degrees.

"We think mice are intermediate in this ability between a chicken and a song bird or even a non human primate and a human," he said.

Living in harmony

When male mice with different vocal pitches were housed together, the team found that the pitch of their songs gradually converged over a period of eight weeks.

Dr Jarvis argues that this is an important development: "When we put a female in the cage with two males, we then found that one male would change his pitch to match the other. It was usually the smaller animal changing the pitch to match the larger animal," he said.

But others are less certain. Dr Kurt Hammerschmidt, an expert in vocal communication at the German Primate Centre in Goettingen, cast doubt on the study's claim about the vocal behaviour of male mice.

"The pitch convergence story is less convincing," he says.

But Erich Jarvis refutes this, saying the scepticism is unfounded.

"His complaint was that we don't have enough animals, but we found this in 12 mouse pairs and in every single pair... at least in our eyes it's quite reliable and statistically significant," he said.

Suggest Mice learn songs in similar way to humans and birds - BBC News Articles

Aakash's alarm rings and both wake up with Chandana's knock on the door. She asks to shut the alarm as it may wake up Pari. Chandana observes the new sparkle in Angana's eyes and whispers in her ear that now they don't need alarm clock to wake up each other, saying this she exits. Angana blushes. Aakash gets ready and leave for college. He forgets his journal and water bottle. Angana comes down and hands him the journal and water bottle. Kalyani observes Angana's happiness and walks to the staircase, she questions Aakash that how many trucks he is going to wash to feed her princess daughter. Just then Angana intervenes and answer her that her princess has now become daasi of someone. Saying this Angana and Aakash walk past Kalyani. Chandana is happy. Kanak gets a call from Angana saying Aakash was worried for her as they saw Kanak's missed calls. Kanak tells Aakash and Angana about her receptionist job. Vikas stares at her from a distance a bit displeased. He reques ts her not to go for work his parents' won't like it. Kanak stays firm. Vikas's father notice them at the door. Kanak informs him about the job and leaves. Vikas's father warns Vikas to keep Kanak under control. Aakash goes to college and gets to know that Angana only filled 1 exam form that too on his name. Aakash is shattered. At the counter office person gives Aakash his hall ticket. Aakash choked with emotions questions Angana, she calms him down and tells him that she can give her exam next year. Aakash ... Jhilmil Sitaaron Ka Aangan Hoga - : 06/25/12


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