Wednesday, October 3, 2012

International Space Station to change orbit to avoid debris - GlobalPost []

International Space Station to change orbit to avoid debris - GlobalPost []

[], International Space Station to change orbit to avoid debris - GlobalPost

The International Space Station is on the move.

The Russian space program’s Mission Control Center announced Wednesday that the International Space Station will be moved into a different orbit to avoid possible collision with a fragment of debris. 

Mission Control Center spokeswoman Nadyezhda Zavyalova told the Associates Press that the Russian Zvevda module will fire booster rockets to carry out the operation Thursday at 07:22 a.m. Moscow time (0322 GMT).

The move will help to protect the six astronauts on board, three Russians, two Americans and one astronaut from Japan. 

According to the French Tribune, an evasive maneuver is only carried out if the chance of a collision falls below 1 in 10,000. 

The Voice of Russia noted UN estimates that there are an estimated 300,000 pieces of space junk, mostly parts of disused satellites and other space apparatuses, currently orbiting the Earth. But NASA believes that number to be much lower. The space agency believes there to be 21,000 fragments of orbital debris larger than 10 centimeters (3.9 inches) in earth's orbit. 

While a 10 centimeter piece of trash may not seem like much, it can in fact pack a wallop of a punch. 

According to, "In Low Earth-orbit, objects travel at 4 miles (7 kilometers) per second. At that speed, a tiny fleck of paint packs the same punch of a 550 pound object traveling at 60 miles per hour."

For more on space debris check out this video from

Suggest International Space Station to change orbit to avoid debris - GlobalPost Issues

Question by ms. curly: why does water "seek its own level? why do you float more easily in salt water than in fresh water? this is all about pressure in physics..why does water "seek its own level"? Why do you float more easily in salt water than in fresh water? You know that a sharp knife cuts well than a dull knife. Do you Know why this is so? When measuring blood pressure , why must the jacket be held at the level of the heart? Best answer for why does water "seek its own level? why do you float more easily in salt water than in fresh water?:

Answer by Mr A
water is liquid and there is gravity that is why it seeks its own level. Salt water is denser than fresh water. A sharp knife cuts better cuz it has a thinner (sharper) edge, I don't know how else to say it. Blood pressure varies throughout the body.

Answer by ish
Denser objects go down while less dense object go up. The same with water. Water is denser than us so we go up, float. Salt water on the other hand, is denser than fresh water. So, we we float easier on it.

Answer by joel suson
Gravity pulls the water down so it always tries to get as low as possible. When water is in a container, such as a glass, the arrangement that keeps the water as low as possible is what you see when the glass is still, a level surface. Basically, the molecules of salt solution are joined more tightly together than those of fresh water, which are loosely-linked. This means that for the same volume of liquid, the salt solution is denser, and therefore, is able to hold objects afloat more than fresh water can. Sharp Knife is more easily to cut than a dull knife because the of edge of the sharp knife is so thin so it it is easily to cut.

Answer by aruvi
1.water seeks it own level because gravity pulls it down and lowers it as much as possible. More than that pressure of liquids depend only on depth but not the shape of the container. 2.A large wood log can float on water but even a small iron pin could not , because of its density.with the same principle we can explain why we float on salt water more easily than fresh water. 3.we know that force p=F/A.when you cut with a sharp knife only minimum area will be in contact. so enormous pressure will be applied on the cutting surface than the dull knife which has large surface area of contact with the suface we tend to cut.

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