International Space Station plans move to avoid debris collision - Fox News [] Ladi6 - Like Water (Official Music Video)
[], International Space Station plans move to avoid debris collision - Fox News
Published October 03, 2012
Associated Press
MOSCOW â€"  The Russian space program's Mission Control Center says it will move the International Space Station into a different orbit to avoid possible collision with a fragment of debris.
Mission Control Center spokeswoman Nadyezhda Zavyalova said the Russian Zvevda module will fire booster rockets to carry out the operation Thursday at 7:22 a.m. Moscow time (0322 GMT).
The space station performs evasive maneuvers when the likelihood of a collision exceeds one in 10,000.
NASA estimates that more than 21,000 fragments of orbital debris larger than 3.9 inches are stuck in earth's orbit, and experts worry that orbiting junk is becoming a growing problem for the space industry.
There are six astronauts -- three Russians, two Americans and one from Japan -- onboard the orbiting laboratory.
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Question by The Vexed One: What does the phrase "blood in the water" mean? I heard it near the ending of the Daredevil film. Daredevil defeats Kingpin and says "Go ahead, tell the guys at Ryker's all about how you were beat by a blind man. It'll be like blood in the water." Any ideas? Kudos to those who reply generously. If you only come on here to give me a ridiculous response, let me just point out that you are TRASH! Best answer for What does the phrase "blood in the water" mean?:
Answer by lisa
im thinking it means someone got shot
Answer by jimbeam958
Its like if you were in the ocean and you were bleeding. The blood would attract sharks and they would then proceed to eat you alive.
Answer by leather mall
The "Blood in the Water" match (in Hungarian Melbourne-i vérfürdÅ', "Blood Bath" of Melbourne) was a water polo match between Hungary and the USSR at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics, the most famous match in water polo history. The match, which took place on December 6, 1956, was against the background of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and saw Hungary defeat the USSR 4â€"0. The name was coined after Hungarian player Ervin Zádor emerged during the last two minutes with blood pouring from under his eye after being punched by a Soviet player.
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