Friday, October 5, 2012

'Fearless' Felix's Supersonic Skydive Delayed By Weather - Wired []

'Fearless' Felix's Supersonic Skydive Delayed By Weather - Wired []

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[], 'Fearless' Felix's Supersonic Skydive Delayed By Weather - Wired

Felix Baumgartner, making preparations Friday for his record-setting skydive over Roswell, New Mexico. His jump from 120,000 feet has been postponed until Tuesday due to weather. Jörg Mitter/Red Bull Content Pool

After spending three years and millions of dollars preparing for the jump of his life, Felix Baumgartner has his supersonic skydive from 23 miles up postponed for the most mundane of reasons…

It’s too windy.

The Austrian adventurer had planned to make his record-setting leap from 120,000 feet at dawn Monday, but a cold front will bring chilly temperatures, light drizzle and “overly strong winds” to the Roswell, New Mexico launch site during the weekend. Although it is expected to begin clearing Monday, the Red Bull Stratos team believes it will be too windy to inflate the massive helium balloon that will carry Baumgarter’s capsule 120,000 feet to the edge of the stratosphere.

“The good news is that we usually have a day or two after this type of cold front moves through where the weather can be favorable for a balloon launch,” team meteorologist Don Day said in a statement late Friday afternoon.

Wind speeds are expected to reach 5 to 10 mph on the ground and as high as 15 mph at a few hundred feet. It must be blowing less than 2 mph at lift-off to avoid damaging the balloon, which stands 550 feet tall at ground level (334 feet at peak altitude) and has a volume of 30 million cubic feet.

Baumgartner hopes to break the unofficial record Joe Kittinger, a retired Air Force colonel from Florida, set in 1960 when he jumped from 102,800 feet during Project Excelsior. If he pulls it off, the 43-year-old Austrian adventurer also will claim records for the highest manned balloon flight and the longest free fall by a skydiver. As if all that weren’t cool enough, Baumgartner also wants to become the first person to exceed the speed of sound â€" about 700 mph at that altitude â€" in free fall.

Although the launch has been delayed until Tuesday, preparations continue at the launch site and Baumgartner continues rehearsing the launch procedure he’ll go through on launch day.

Related 'Fearless' Felix's Supersonic Skydive Delayed By Weather - Wired Articles

Question by tje: I just bought two plants, they require "medium water". How do I know how often to water them? One plant is a purple perfection (Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum). The other is a Fittonia "Pink Vein" (fittonia argyroneura). Do you have any tips for growing these particular plants? Let me know! Thanks Best answer for I just bought two plants, they require "medium water". How do I know how often to water them?:

Answer by steve p
u could buy a poting planter with a water storage in it and just fill it up and let the plant do the rest

Answer by ndtweedy
Hands down, the easiest most fool-proof way to water is to buy a soil moisture meter like this one : That way you never have to guess! I think Wal-Mart sells one for around $ 5.00

Recommend I just bought two plants, they require "medium water". How do I know how often to water them? Topics

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