Monday, October 8, 2012

Cloning and Stem Cell Discoveries Earn Nobel in Medicine - New York Times []

Cloning and Stem Cell Discoveries Earn Nobel in Medicine - New York Times []

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[], Cloning and Stem Cell Discoveries Earn Nobel in Medicine - New York Times

A pair of landmark discoveries made 40 years apart have earned the 2012 Nobel prize in physiology or medicine for John B. Gurdon of the University of Cambridge in England and Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University in Japan. The prize was announced in Stockholm on Monday.

The discoveries concern the manipulation of living cells, and lie at the heart of the techniques for cloning animals and generating stem cells, the primitive cells from which the mature tissues of the body develop. Dr. Gurdon was the first to clone an animal, a frog, and Dr. Yamanaka discovered the proteins with which an adult cell can be converted to an egg-like state.

Both techniques reach to the beginnings of life, and have generated objections from people who fear, on ethical or religious grounds, that scientists are pressing too far into nature’s mysteries and the ability to create life artificially.

Biologists have pushed ahead nonetheless, believing that manipulations such as these may lead to regenerative medicine, the hope of repairing or replacing stricken organs with the body’s own cells.

Dr. Gurdon’s discovery came in 1962, when he produced living tadpoles from the adult cells of a frog. His work was at first greeted with skepticism, because it contradicted the textbook dogma that adult cells are irrevocably assigned to their specific functions and cannot assume new ones.

Dr. Gurdon’s technique was to extract the cell nucleus, containing the frog’s chromosomes, from a mature intestinal cell and inject the nucleus into a frog egg whose own nucleus had been removed. The egg was evidently able to reprogram the introduced nucleus and direct its genes to switch from the duties of an intestinal cell to those appropriate to a developing egg.

But how did the egg cell body accomplish this reprogramming feat? The answer had to wait another 44 years while molecular biologists gained a more intimate understanding of genes and the agents that control them.

Working with mice, Dr. Yamanaka discovered in 2006 that the reprogramming is accomplished by just four specific gene control agents in the egg. The agents, known to biologists as transcription factors, are proteins made by master genes to regulate other genes. By injecting the four agents into an adult cell, Dr. Yamanaka showed htat he could walk the cell back into its primitive or stem-cell form.

Stem cells generated by this method, known as induced pluripotent cells, or iPS cells, could then mature into any type of adult cell in the body, a finding with obvious potential for medical benefits.

Suggest Cloning and Stem Cell Discoveries Earn Nobel in Medicine - New York Times Issues

Question by * Smile! *: Why do some racists claim "blood is thicker than water" to justify their support for illegal immigration? What ever happened to immigrant assimilation and the American identity of "E Pluribus Unum"? Best answer for Why do some racists claim "blood is thicker than water" to justify their support for illegal immigration?:

Answer by Rusty
It's interesting that when we argue to maintain rights for people you assume we "support illegal immigration." I don't support it, I just don't think we should start throwing rights out the window. Use your head in this argument. No matter which side you're on we won't get anywhere if we're just calling names and twisting arguments.

Answer by Baroccoli
Immigrantassimilation? Oh you mean like sneaking over here and refusing to learn English? Or are we supposed to assimilate to them even though they aren't legal citizens of our country?

Answer by Barack Obama
Sorry to break it to you Rusty, but we haven't gotten anywhere for the last 3 decades by being weak and afraid to stand up to illegal immigration. Also, you have to be an American Citizen to enjoy the rights granted to us by the Constitution. It does not grant these rights to everyone who arrives here illegally. The only rights that they should be granted are basic human rights, which do not include freedom from discrimination or profiling.

Answer by J$ mooTH
That is the whole point. They don't want to become americans. They want to use american tax dollars to fun d school programs that teach them to hate us.

Answer by bane86
it stupid augment from stupid people. since hispanics tend to have many kids and low incomes they usually pay little or nothing in taxes so it doesn't hurt them when their primo's liven off the system!

Answer by "Milk-a-whaaat?"
Some people are upset about the new immigration law in Arizona, will what do you think of this? 1.If you migrate to this county, you must speak the native language 2. You have to be a professional or an investor. No unskilled workers allowed. 3. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no special ballots for elections; all government business will be conducted in our language. 4. Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here. 5 Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office. 6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs. 7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage. 8. If foreigners do come and want to buy land that will be okay, BUT options will be restricted. You are not allowed waterfront property. That is reserved for citizens naturally born into this country. 9. Foreigners may not protest; no demonstrations, no waving a foreign flag, no political organizing, no badmouthing our president or his policies, if you do you will be sent home. 10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be hunted down and sent straight to jail. Harsh, you say? The above laws belong to the immigration laws of MEXICO! AZ illegal alien immigration FACTS 1.1 out of 13 residents in AZ are illegal aliens 2. 20.3% of all Latinos in AZ are illegal aliens 3. Maryvale is 75% Latino and has 1/3 of ALL the violent crime in Phoenix 4. Arizona is #1 in kidnappings 5. Arizona is #1 in confiscated drugs 6. Arizona is #1 in illegal alien border crossings 7. Arizona is #1 in home invasions 8. Arizona is #1 in drop houses 9. Since 1988, illegal aliens have killed police officers Kenneth Collins, Marc Atkinson, BP Agent Paul Epling, BP Agent Alexander Kirpnick, Robert Sitek, Nick Erfle, and Nanuma Lavulavu (alledgedly, still an active investigation) 10. Arizona is #1 is identity theft/stolen SS#s

Answer by *Carnage*
any time you get immigrants in large numbers---the "we are a power" facade sets in --- like it has now. notice how justice ---- is beoming---JUST-I. C. E . LOL.....just had to throw that

Answer by Joel W
It is what the Mexican Nationals do... it is what La Raza advocates. La Raza says it does not support illegal aliens, and in the debate between Dan Stein of Fair US and the female head of La Raza, she clearly said she DID support the illegal aliens. When you consider the money she has to deal with this issue, it staggers you. ============================= So good of you to come out of your hole Barrack.... Sorry to break it to you Rusty, but we haven't gotten anywhere for the last 3 decades by being weak and afraid to stand up to illegal immigration. Also, you have to be an American Citizen to enjoy the rights granted to us by the Constitution. It does not grant these rights to everyone who arrives here illegally. The only rights that they should be granted are basic human rights, which do not include freedom from discrimination or profiling. ==================== That works just fine until you understand the Mexican Mafia is selling forged I.D.'s for $ 1500 per three. Buy one of those beauties and you are a CITIZEN until you are caught, but only recently have they done the things that may catch them. Sorry pal.. you are wrong.

Answer by Gunner221
MILK A WHAAAT is right on. I agree with everything she has said. It's too bad people with common sense are not in office. Instead we have spineless bottom kissers who will sell out the country for a vote. They are not concerned with the Constitution or Bill of Rights. Just their comfy jobs in Washington.

Answer by Cali
Because they're racists.

Answer by White Man (not allowed to speak)
All I can say is to Hell with the ignorant bastards and who frigging needs their sponge asses here anyway? A big pile of BS is thicker than water too. I'm sick of being put down and called a racist. If they mess with me they are messing with a hornets nes t. They might as well try to poke hot butter up a wildcats azz!

Answer by StoneCold
It's just as bad when they say "Blood is thicker than water" to justify their acts of violence against others. They not only do not want to become citizens of this country, they'd rather have it that way. The illegals around my state say they are just here to work and then go back home to their families in their own country after they've made what they think is sufficient earnings to live off of for years to come.

More Why do some racists claim "blood is thicker than water" to justify their support for illegal immigration? Issues

Vejlby-Risskov Hallen, Aarhus, September 21, 1970 - Great jam of Water. This went a bit over 10 minutes so I put the last few seconds at the start of the Overture. 1. Heaven And Hell 2. I Can't Explain 3. Young Man Blues 4. I Don't Even Know Myself 5. Water 6. Overture 7. It's A Boy 8. 1921 9. Amazing Journey 10. Sparks 11. Eyesight To The Blind 12. Christmas 13. The Acid Queen 14. Pinball Wizard 15. Do You Think It's Alright? 16. Fiddle About 17. Tommy Can You Hear Me? 18. There's A Doctor 19. Go To The Mirror! (cuts out) 20. Smash The Mirror (missing) 21. Miracle Cure (cuts in) 22. I'm Free 23. Tommy's Holiday Camp 24. We're Not Gonna Take It 25. See Me Feel Me/Listening To You 26. Summertime Blues 27. Shakin' All Over 28. Twist And Shout 29. My Generation 30. Magic Bus (cuts out) The Who - Water - Aarhus 1970 (5)


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