Saturday, October 6, 2012

City folk likely to see coyotes, wolves more - Columbus Dispatch []

City folk likely to see coyotes, wolves more - Columbus Dispatch []

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[], City folk likely to see coyotes, wolves more - Columbus Dispatch

By  Spencer Hunt

The Columbus Dispatch Saturday October 6, 2012 5:43 AM

The grainy nighttime video shows what appears to be a skinny dog roaming downtown Chicago. The animal is so streetwise that it waits for traffic lights to change before it crosses busy streets.

But this is no stray dog. It’s a coyote that has lived in the area for years, Ohio State University researcher Stan Gehrt said during a presentation at the EcoSummit 2012 conference yesterday.

“Cities, in many cases, are the new environment for conflict between carnivores and us,” said Gehrt, who has studied urban coyotes for years.His presentation, part of a larger international discussion on the growing friction between large predators and people, came during the final day of the conference at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.

More than 1,600 ecologists and experts from 76 countries attended the weeklong event.

Also yesterday, Kellen Calinger, an OSU doctoral candidate studying biology, showcased research showing that climate change is causing wildflowers to bloom early in Ohio.Calinger studied when 141 species of wildflowers had bloomed in Ohio since 1895, a period in which average spring and summer temperatures increased by 1.7 degrees.

The warmer days led nearly half of those plants to bloom an average of four days earlier than usual. The changes could create problems for insects and animals that rely on the flowers for food. Many have their own schedules that are synchronized with food supplies.

One species of invasive thistle bloomed 12.5 days earlier than usual. That raised concerns that climate change could help invasive plants dominate natural areas and out-compete native species.

“This could have severe biodiversity implications,” Calinger said.

Gehrt’s talk followed presentations showing that large-predator populations â€" including those of bears, mountain lions and wolves â€" are growing and increasingly are crossing paths with humans.

Jens Karlsson, a researcher with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, showed how an increase in brown-bear populations in northern Sweden led to increased attacks on reindeer farms.Adrian Treves, an environmental-studies professor at the University of Wisconsin, shared how computer-mapping techniques can show where cattle might be vulnerable to wolves.

He estimated that there are 830 wolves in northern Wisconsin, a state that had none 30 years ago.

Gehrt said the growing presence of urban coyotes and the spread of even-larger predators, including wolves and mountain lions, will create problems.Although coyotes are mostly tolerated in the Chicago area, he said larger predators will start a new debate.“The wolves are coming. You’ve seen the growth in Wisconsin,” he said. “It’s a question of how tolerant are we going to be in terms of letting these carnivores live near us.”Gehrt also showed a photo taken in Wisconsin of a mountain lion. In a release, he said a mountain lion was shot near the Wrigleyville neighborhood of Chicago.Conference organizers announced that the next EcoSummit will be held in Montpellier, France, in 2016.


Suggest City folk likely to see coyotes, wolves more - Columbus Dispatch Issues

Question by NG: In ceramics, what is "free water" and "structural water"? I think "structural water" is the water that's in the clay molecules, the one that chemically combines with water. Is "free water" just water you add on your own? Thanks! A short definition will do fine. Best answer for In ceramics, what is "free water" and "structural water"?:

Answer by mike1942f
Yes, you got it exactly. Free water is driven off by heating to just over 212F. Chemical or structural water is driven off by breaking the bonds at about 800-900F

Answer by tempsmartdental
Indeed, the structural water is the water contained within the clay particles. The free water is the water that binds the clay particles together. Easier said inter-molecular and extra-molecular. The extra molecular is the water that you would use to make slip or the spray that potters use to maintain the wetness of the clay during the manipulation process.

Find More In ceramics, what is "free water" and "structural water"? Articles Johnny Flynn & Laura Marling - The Water


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