Thursday, October 11, 2012

China's Mo Yan Wins Nobel Literature Prize - New York Times []

China's Mo Yan Wins Nobel Literature Prize - New York Times []

Question by Broken Alabaster Flask: What does it mean to you as a christian to " drink of the living water"? Thank you for referencing this in the bible and for posting about your own experience of drinking of the living Water. HOW you drink, and the RESULTS of drinking of such water daily. Best answer for What does it mean to you as a christian to " drink of the living water"?:

Answer by C Alice
Sounds like Montazuma's revenge to me....

Answer by Jesus is my Savior
For me, it means to abide in His strength daily, it is leaning on the vine to bring to completion the work that He has for me in the Kingdom and receive revelation of His will in my life. In other words- it is living by the Spirit and in the Spirit, as - Jesus said - "whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.” (By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive) And because the Spirit is IN me, I will never thirst again!

Answer by worker4IAM <'><
Fellowship with my God, either consciously or unconsciously ! It's a Very Joyful & Safe place for me.

Answer by Mom C
I read the Bible daily. The Bible dispenses the living water in the form of the truth about God and his Son Jesus. (John 17:3) 3 This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. Once you know the truth of the Bible you will never thirst for it again. Many people read the Bible, go to church and pray. But they do not know the truth that leads to eternal life. In order to have eternal life you have to feed on God's word and drink of the truth.

Answer by Ratchet Horror Socks
Hmmm, hm, hmmmm. Hm. I do suppose that water is always alive with tiny organisms floating about. Don't mind them, save the dangerous types.

Answer by robert C
to take christ into my heart , water equals life , and jesus is the way ,the truth and the life ezekiel ch.47 gives a beautiful metaphor about the living water

Answer by little Chief
It’s a non gender thing but yet it is a male and a female coming together in water of life meaning when one first come, as in the word at hand of one interest in the beginning to just be, me. As we so love as beginning the question we are also the answer we are. In heart as the first love and so end, as it; we are the true gospel as a living testimony of Love then “living water” of one. We ether one or were not, and in Christ is only one. Jesus said to her, “Give Me a drink.” 9Therefore the Samaritan woman said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask me for a drink since I am a Samaritan woman?” As you see here the woman was not part of first of love (knock) but was of herself as not of the water (knock) that was before her as just being good in-her living one unto just as Ask, seek should be in-deeded one to another. A true Woman is a true one help-meet and even this I speak of no gender of the word Women here! For the living water is no separation in Christ, word in deed and we all are man to as is love in all things in truth as no fear but trust in God in all things as us to be one. Unity is a Christian and our union is in the church of God were these are found, and we know of them by their fruit of the same tree of life we are understood with out questioning, is pure and a holy one will be always of our face to face. “And in that day living waters will flow out of Jerusalem, half of them toward the eastern sea and the other half toward the western sea; it will be in summer as well as in winter.” Zechariah 14:8 NASB It’s “toward” one another are the true ones, the believers in summer; but yet all in these of true will as love all in the living waters the same as in winter too, this is the promise of the coming one to be as all are as Come. "For the Lamb which is in the middle of the *thr-one* (knock) shall feed them, and shall lead them to living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Revelation 7:17 NASB Praise the Lord! Do all prayers just become a question of asking?;_ylt=AsCKj9baVv_rQw0D3xN1coXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110513132547AAW8Iys

Answer by Crazy Pirate's Ghost
unfiltered, unpasteurized beer -- that is the living water ;)

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Jack Scalfani tests out new cooking technology called Induction Cooking. It's cooking on a magnetic surface making the pan heating up without heating up the surface of the cooktop. It's crazy. Check it out and be sure to subscribe. He bought the Max Burton induction cooktop at and tested it with boiling water and frying eggs to see if it stands up to it's claims. Don't forget to also follow Jack on Twitter to get his weight loss updates. Jack is going to lose 30lbs by the end of 2010. Stay tuned. INDUCTION COOKTOP (magnetic)

[], China's Mo Yan Wins Nobel Literature Prize - New York Times

PARIS â€" Accompanied by rampant speculation that is rarely accurate, the Swedish Academy prepared on Thursday to award the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature, the cultural high point of a week of accolades to scientists, writers and peacemakers.

Since 1901, 104 Nobel literature prizes have been awarded, the most recent to Tomas Transtromer, a Swedish poet, whose more than 15 collections of poetry, the academy said last year, offered “condensed, translucent images” through which “he gives us fresh access to reality.”

The panel selecting the winner prides itself on its inscrutability and, according to the Nobel Web site, “the nominations and the opinions written by the members of the Nobel Committee in Literature each year are kept secret for 50 years.”

The selection of a European writer for the 2011 literature prize â€" the eighth in a decade â€" complaints revived that the award is too Eurocentric. The last American writer to win a Nobel was Toni Morrison in 1993. Philip Roth has been a perennial favorite but has not been selected.

The prize is worth 8 million Swedish kronor, about $ 1.2 million.

Despite the unreliability of attempts to forecast the winner, bookmakers have tipped contenders this year including the Japanese author Haruki Murakami but gamblers have placed bets on a wide array of others, including Bob Dylan at 10 to 1. The odds offered on Wednesday by the British bookmaker Ladbrokes put Mr. Murakami as the favorite at 2 to 1 with William Trevor at 7 to 1 and Chinese writer Mo Yan at 8 to 1.

The academy has routinely named winners from beyond the circle of those tipped by gambling institutions, but betting on the outcome remains “as popular worldwide as ever,” spokesman Alex Donohue of Ladbrokes told The Daily Telegraph.

Nobel committees have announced prizes so far this week in physics, chemistry and medicine. The 2012 Nobel peace laureate is to be named on Friday by the Norwegian Nobel Committee and the prize in economics is to be announced on t Monday by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Recommend China's Mo Yan Wins Nobel Literature Prize - New York Times Articles The deepest point on the surface of Earth is the Dead Sea in Israel. Now a joint Israeli-German team of scientists has found several freshwater spring systems on the floor of the Dead Sea. Their presence has been suspected for decades as concentric ripples on the surface of the water are visible near the shore, but it is only now been confirmed by divers. 30 metres under the surface, equipped with underwater cameras, the divers collected water samples from cracks in the sea floor and discovered cunknown micro-organisms. euronews science - Life in the Dead Sea


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