Thursday, September 27, 2012

New chemical element discovered in Japan - Today's THV []

New chemical element discovered in Japan - Today's THV []

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SAITAMA, Japan (CNN) -- A Japanese research institute has created a previously unknown 113th chemical element.

A team at the state-backed science institute RIKEN in Saitama Prefecture created the new element by bombarding bismuth atoms with zinc in a particle accelerator.

The team closely monitored the transition process to other elements and concluded that the new element is the 113th to be proven to exist.

If the results are confirmed by an international organisation, RIKEN will be the first Asian institute to have the right to name a new element.

Kosuke Morita, senior researcher at RIKEN, says he is confident in the results and that the creation of a new element is a big step for science.

Elements starting with hydrogen, with the atomic number of 1, through to plutonium, 94, exist naturally. Those from 95 through the 116 have been created and confirmed, excluding those with the atomic numbers of 113 and 115.

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Answer by Sandy
By all means, go ahead. It's always good to have a descriptive name so consumers looking thru the yellow pages would know what you deal in, but it's not compulsory or mandatory by law. Good luck on your new venture!

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